It’s Been a Year of Online Training


It has officially been a year since I moved to online training and started my own business! While this past year has certainly been challenging, I am so grateful to the clients that have trusted me to provide them with training to reach their goals. Your continued support is what has allowed me to start this business and has allowed me to continue to grow. In my year of online training, I have grown so much and have learned so much about what I am able to offer. Below are ways that online training has changed the game for me and so many of my clients.

Knowledge is Power

It used to be thought that I was only valuable as a trainer if I was literally standing in front of a person. During these times I have learned that it is my knowledge that holds value, not my physical presence. I believe that we can always learn more and should always be striving to grow. I have spent this past year furthering my education and refining my verbal cueing to become a better trainer to my clients. This knowledge doesn’t come from me standing in front of you, it comes from the way I program, the services I offer, and the amount of attention I ensure that I give to each and every person that trains with me. I care deeply about each and every one of my clients and try my best to set everyone up for success.


Time is No Longer an Issue

We all only have so many hours in the day. With in-person training I was very limited on how many people I could see in a day/week. In this past year I have grown to offering custom 1:1 programming that is unique to each person whether they are working out at home or in a gym. These programs can be a pdf, or programmed in an app called TrueCoach. All of these programs come with video demos of me performing each exercise with written instruction; in the app access, you also receive video feedback on your form! I am now able to help people reach their goals without being limited by time restrictions (whether that be how many hours I have in a day or by time difference in different parts of the world). I got in the business of personal training because I love helping people feel good through movement. I want to help as many people as I can, and this has given me the platform to do this! If you want to learn more about custom programming click here.


My Views have Changed

If you’ve been following me for a while, you probably know that I am a big advocate of knowing your “why”. My views over the past year have shifted since I’ve really discovered the “why” behind why I train and program the way that I do. Over the years I have learned that doing an exercise just for the sake of it being hard isn’t beneficial to anyone. I was tired and burnt out from years of teaching live classes and trying to push people, I really started to question whether there is a better way. I discovered that there is! I’m not saying that all classes are bad, or that you shouldn’t take them, but I discovered that most classes are designed as an easy way to make money. I am not about doing something just because it's easy, I only do things that I believe in and resonate with my training philosophies. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it would be so much more beneficial to my clients to offer group programming, rather than classes. Here is why:

  • I can write a program that meets the goals of the individuals in the group while allowing them to work at their own pace, on their own schedule, and use whatever equipment they have access to/are comfortable with.

  • I provide a range of reps and exercise to meet each person in the group whether they are a beginner or an advanced athlete.

  • We are able track the exercises/reps/weights you have been doing and keep progressing week to week.

To me, this makes so much more sense then doing as many reps of an exercise as you can in an allotted amount of time, over and over and over again. I have been able to help more people reach their goals and have more success through group programming. To learn more about online group programming clickhere.


Personal Growth and Partnership

In this past year I have been able to offer services that I have always wanted to. I always wanted to be able to offer a holistic program that paired exercise with nutrition from a holistic perspective. This year I have partnered with Sarah James (aka The Balance Beast) to create The Wellness Tribe, a holistic program that teaches mindset, nutrition, and exercise for sustainable and lasting results. We wanted to create a program that was not about being on a “diet”, weight-loss, or bodybuilding. We wanted to create a program that taught the foundations of holistic nutrition, taught the factors that play a role in our health (hint: it's more than just food and exercise), and that teaches exercise with the focus of learning, growing, and getting stronger. To learn more about The Wellness Tribe program click here.


While this past year has been full of challenges, I can’t help but feel grateful for the opportunity that I have had to be able to start and grow this business. To each and every client, friend, family member, and everyone in between, thank you for your support and we are just getting started. I love watching us continue to grow into even happier, healthier humans.


The Wellness Tribe


Challenging Lower Body Stability Exercises