Brenna Buscher

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Lets Get Pull-Up Strong

If you didn’t already know this about me, I love pull-ups! Pull-ups are empowering, confidence building, rewarding, and great for building total body strength. Today I am going to be answering all of your pull-up questions from what is the difference between a chin-up and pull-up to trouble shooting pain with pull-ups and what type of pull-up bar to invest in. Continue reading to learn more about pull-ups.

Pull-up Variations

In the video below I discuss pull-up variations and what their differences are.

Pull-up Form

Pull-up form matters because it will help improve your strength but also your efficiency with pull-ups! The better your form is the less energy you will use during your repetitions. In the video below I discuss common pull-up form mistakes and how they can be corrected to achieve a better pull-up.

Trouble Shooting Pull-ups

Do you experience neck pain or elbow pain when doing pull-ups? This video is for you! But first and foremost, if you are experiencing pain or an injury please talk to a medical professional like your doctor or a physical therapist.

Equipment Recommendations

Looking to purchase a pull-up bar? Awesome! In this video I discuss the at home pull-up bars I have used and other equipment I would recommend for working on your pull-ups.

Introducing Pull-up Strong!

So we now know that I have a passion for teaching people how to be able to do pull-ups! For this reason I am very excited to announce my newest program: Pull-Up Strong that is now open for enrollment and will begin on Monday 3/14! You will be able to access this program in the Truecoach app for your to complete at your own pace. There are two different programs available: beginner and intermediate. The beginner program is ideal for people who can do 0-2 pull-ups and the intermediate program is ideal for people who can complete 2 or more pull-ups. Pull-Up Strong can be done on its own or added into your current workout routine. You can expect to see 4 workouts per week that are approximately 20 minutes long. Click the button below to learn more or sign up!