Crunched For Time?

If you are someone that celebrates holidays, then as you know, we are thick into the end of the year holiday season. For many, this can be the time year when everything can feel a bit chaotic, there can be a lot to remember and a lot going on. You might have friends or family members visiting, be traveling, have a packed schedule, be attending parties or celebrations, have activities with children, or feel tired and overwhelmed.

All of this can make it difficult or even impossible to maintain your regular routine. When you’re tired or busy it might feel like adding another thing to do, whether it be cooking a meal at home or completing a workout, feel overwhelming. I get it!

If there is anyone who understands a crazy schedule, it is me. Between managing my own schedule as well as helping my clients find a routine that fits their unique schedule, I have years of experience, understanding, and empathy. If you have found yourself struggling to manage your workouts or routine lately, keep reading! Below are my favorite tips for managing a routine when schedules get crazy.

  1. Get a Planner

This one might seem so simple that its tempting to skip. However its possibly one of the best tips that I have. If you didn’t know this about me, I am old school. I personally love to use an physical planner. This large planner from Passion Planner is by far my favorite, but you can use an other planner or a digital planner such as gmail calendar or any other scheduler that you prefer.

First, use your planner to schedule all appointments, time at work, activities, and any other non-negotiable tasks. This will allow you to actually see which days and times have available time. I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of things to remember every day. There’s no need to make an already crazy schedule crazier by trying to just “remember” what you have going on each day or week. Using a planner can help you remember what you have scheduled which can help reduce stress, anxiety, and last minute panic.

After you block off time for your appointments and other non-negotiable commitments then you can schedule in your other activities or tasks. Try picking a specific time/day to schedule your workouts, meal prepping, and anything else that is important to you and your routine.

Remember like anything else, trying something new takes practice. Just because something didn’t go according to plan one week or day doesn’t mean that it didn’t work or that you failed. Don’t be afraid to try again, making adjustments to your schedule as needed.

2. How Much Energy Do You Need

Available energy and energy expenditure is often overlooked when planning a schedule. When scheduling your activities and tasks it can be easy to fill up any and all available “free” time. I often have to remind myself that just because I can, doesn’t necessarily mean that I should. Remember that all tasks, even fun activities or hobbies, require energy. When planning activities that require a lot of energy (like workouts, trips etc.) make sure you have accounted for rest and how much energy you think you will have. For example, if you know you you’re going to have a very busy day, rather than trying to squeeze in a workout, maybe you make that day a recovery day and switch your workout to a different day where you have a little more time.

3. Pick A Bed Time

We probably all have heard that sleep is important, but in case you forgot, sleep is actually important! Sleep allows your body to rest and recover and gives you energy for the next day. While you may love your caffeinated morning coffee or tea, it does not replace sleep. Remember that all activities and tasks require energy. One of the best ways to restore your energy to get quality sleep. Practicing going to bed at a consistent time will not only help you get enough hours of sleep, it will also help you build a routine. Remember it will probably take time and practice to get into the habit of going to sleep earlier or at the same time each day.

4. Have a Plan

There is a time and a place for having a plan. When schedules get crazy, having a plan can be a huge time saver. Taking a bit of time to plan your workouts can not only save you time but will also give you one less thing to think about that day. When planning your workouts think about how long you’d like the workout to be, what equipment you’ll need, what exercises you’ll be doing, etc.

Another thing to consider is to plan your meals/grocery shopping for the week. This can save you a lot of time (and potentially money) at the grocery story and also during the week. You won’t have to think about what to cook or what you need to purchase because you’re already prepared.

5. Ask For Help

Remember you don’t have to do everything by yourself. Outsource or ask for help where you can. For example, if you live with family or kids ask them to help you think of meal ideas and prepare meals together. If you’re having trouble with fitting an exercise routine into your schedule, ask a coach for help! A great coach will design a routine that you enjoy, works with your lifestyle, and provide accountability.

6. Total Body Circuits

When you’re in a time crunch, total body strength circuits are your new best friend. I love total body workouts because they work your entire body. This means if you miss a workout or if you only have time for 1 workout per week, you’ve still trained all your major muscle groups.

I also love circuits for getting a lot accomplished in a short amount of time. When doing a circuit style workout, you give yourself a time limit. For example, lets say your schedule allows for a 20 minute workout. Great! With a circuit style workout you can complete as many rounds as possible in that 20 minutes and be done! Not every workout needs to be an 1hr long, unless you want it to be and your schedule allows for it.

And if you’re looking for a total body circuit…I’ve got you covered!


Train with Brenna B. Total Body Circuit

This total body circuit workout uses no equipment, all you need is your body!

You will need:

  • a bit of space to move, about the size of a yoga mat (or larger if you have room)

  • water bottle

  • a timer or stop watch on your phone (I like to use a free app called seconds but any timer is great).

The workout:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20-40 minutes.

Perform each exercise listed below for :40 seconds with :20 seconds of rest. After completing all the exercises rest 1-3 minutes and then repeat.

  1. Side Shuffle

  2. Push-ups (or Hands Elevated Push-ups)

  3. Squat Reach

  4. Plank Shoulder Taps (or Hands Elevated Plank Shoulder Taps)

  5. Skater Hops

  6. Mountain Climber (or Hands Elevated Mountain Climber)


Disclaimer: This program is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness or injury. If you choose to try any of the exercises presented in this program you do so at your own risk. Please consult your physician before beginning any new exercise program. Not every exercise is safe for every person. Correct execution of all exercises is critical to prevent injury. Please consult your healthcare professional if you have questions about an exercise execution or if an exercise is right for you. You are responsible for yourself and will not hold Brenna Buscher, Train with Brenna B. or any guest presenter liable for any illness or injury.


Lets Get Pull-Up Strong


How to Improve Your Push-ups