Exercises for Trail Running

Rocks, roots, sticks, trees, leaves, oh my! Trail running certainly has all that, plus a spiderweb or two, but it also has breath taking views, quality time with nature, and great opportunities for improving your conditioning. Plus, it honestly feels pretty badass to be able to run up a mountain and wave as you pass a fellow hiker.

But whether you’re trail running or hiking, incorporating strength training in your workout routine is a game changer. Trail running requires total body strength (yes, even your upper body), stability, endurance, and adaptability. All things that can be improved through strength training.

One of the nice things about trail running is breaks are almost always given. You are most likely going to want to stop and take in the views at some point and maybe take a picture or two. Depending on your experience level, the difficulty of the terrain, and your ability, you will also most likely be walking at various points on your run. Don’t be afraid to walk up steep inclines, rocky or rooty patches on the trail, or if you simply need a break. Remember you are out there to work at your own pace.

If you are interested in starting trail running or perhaps already trail run, below are a few of my favorite exercises for trail runners. These exercises will help to improve your stability, endurance, and overall strength.

Exercises for Trail Running

Step Up Variations

These will help improve your endurance and strength for climbing up hills and mountains. To make it extra challenging you can add weight by holding onto dumbbells, kettlebells, or even the hiking pack you will be carrying.

In this video you will see body weight step ups, alternating step ups, and weighted step ups. Pick a variation that feels appropriate for you.


Split Stance Cable Row + Reach

This exercise can be done on a cable machine (as shown) or with a band. Make sure you keep your ribs stacked over hips, a slight bend in your knees, your core engaged, and exhale as you perform the row.


Offset March

This exercise will help to strengthen your core, glutes, and stability. Use a relatively heavy weight that allows you to maintain proper form. Try not to lean too much to either side as you march.


Single Leg Deadlift

This exercise will improve your stability while strengthening your hamstrings, glutes, core and back. Think about keeping your hips as square as possible and keep the toes of the lifting leg pointing towards the floor.


Skater Hops

This is a dynamic exercise that is great for improving your balance, ability to absorb force, core strength, and lower body strength. To make this exercise a little easier, you can tap your back foot down on the floor as you land.


High Intensity Continuous Training

This is great to add to the end of your workout as a finisher or can be done separately as its own workout. You will want to use a piece of cardio equipment such as a spin bike, resistance bike, rower, treadmill (with a high incline), step mill etc. Set the equipment to a high level of resistance where there is heavy constant tension. Stay at this heavy resistance for 10 minutes.


Exercises For Stronger Shoulders


Lets Get Pull-Up Strong