Why are so quick to invest in others, but hesitant to invest in ourselves? Think about it, most of us have made sacrifices (time, money, health etc.) to put someone else first but when it comes down to make these same sacrifices for ourselves, we find a way to walk away. Now I’m not saying you should never make sacrifices for another person and of course, some of sacrifices are not optional, but don’t you think that you are just as worthy?

I get it, I really do. I used to say the same things to myself: I’m too tired, I’m scared, I have too many other commitments, It’s too expensive, I’ll start next month, I need to do better and then I’ll start. You are talking to someone who had 5 jobs at one point, so when I say that I understand, I really do understand. But at the end of the day, all of those were excuses to say that I didn’t think my wellness was a priority.

Let’s face it, it can be really challenging and intimidating to change your mindset, your habits, and invest in YOU. More so when we look at where we are now and compare it to where we want to be….this can seem like an impossibly long journey. Instead of focusing on the end result, I encourage you to try focusing on the smaller steps you can take to reach your goal.

But where to begin? How do we start focusing on these seemingly “small” steps to investing in ourselves.? We break it down into tasks that are easily to incorporated into our lifestyle. These steps are exactly what we will be focusing on in the Spring Into Summer 30 Day Program, co-founded by Sarah James and myself. Over 30 days we will work on how to set goals, daily wellness tasks, weekly wellness challenges, weekly workouts, nutrition education, and more!

We are so excited for this program to begin on June 1st that we wanted to share with you a few tasks you can start with today, to start investing in you!

  1. Prioritize your sleep, strive to start getting 7-8hrs of sleep a night.

  2. Write down 5 things you are grateful for each day.

  3. Eat a distraction free meal.

  4. Plan tomorrow’s meals.

  5. Start scheduling a time, whether it’s once a week or a 10 minutes a day, to commit to your own movement. This can be a lunch break walk, a 30 minute workout, a yoga practice, or whatever movement makes you feel your best.

Sarah and I understand that learning how to incorporate these tasks into your lifestyle can be a big change and thats why we are here to support YOU. Our job as your coaches is to offer compassion, understanding, education, and above all support. Are you ready to invest in yourself, click the button below to learn more about our 30 Day Spring Into Summer Program.


Rock Climbing Reflections


Pull-Up Strong