Brenna Buscher

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Sun, Fun, & Fitness: Balancing Summer Plans with Your Health Goals

Summer is a season full of sunshine, vacations, and social gatherings, making it a delightful but challenging time to stick to your fitness and health goals. Below are some effective strategies to help you stay consistent with your workouts and build your healthy habits during the summer months.

1. Set Clear, Achievable Goals

  • Define Your Goals: Remember that your goals don’t have to stay the same all year round. Setting a new goal that is manageable for summer can be a great way to keep you motivated and consistent. When setting a goal, they should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals. For example, instead of setting a goal such as this summer I will start running, your SMART goal could be this summer I will run 3 times per week to complete a 5k by September 1st. Whether it’s running a certain number of miles per week, completing a certain number of workouts per week, or learning a new skill like a pull-up or push-up, having clear goals will keep you focused.

  • Break Down Goals: Divide your primary goals into smaller, manageable tasks. This makes them less overwhelming and easier to achieve. Let’s use our Running SMART goal from above. To break down the main goal of running a 5k by September 1st, set smaller goals for each week leading up to the 5k. For example, your goal for week 1 could be to jog or walk 3 times for 20-30 minutes.

2. Create a Flexible Routine

  • Adapt to Your Schedule and Plan Ahead: Summer often brings changes in daily routines due to vacations or family activities. Plan your workouts around these changes to ensure you don’t skip them. This could mean completing shorter workouts, bringing your workouts outside, and planning ahead for any travel plans. For example, if you are traveling you could plan on bringing bands with you, or going for walks/runs outside/ or even finding a local gym in the area you are traveling to.

  • Morning Workouts: In the summer months, we tend to become busier during the afternoon and evenings. Exercising in the morning can help avoid the midday heat and leave your afternoon and evenings free for summer activities. It’s also a great way to start your day with energy and motivation.

  • Take Your Workout Outside: Enjoy the summer weather by taking your workout to a park, lake, or even beach side! You can even consider grabbing a pair of weights and completing your workout in your yard or on a deck/patio. Other options including opting for a walk, run, or bike ride to make the most of the summer weather. Just be mindful that the afternoon temperatures can get warm!

3. Incorporate Fun Summer Activities

  • Outdoor Adventures: Take advantage of the beautiful weather by engaging in outdoor activities like hiking, biking, swimming, kayaking or paddleboarding. These activities not only keep you fit but also make exercise enjoyable.

  • Join a Sports League: Participate in a local sports league or join group fitness classes. The social aspect can make working out more enjoyable and provide an additional layer of accountability.

4. Stay Hydrated and Eat Seasonally

  • Hydration is Key: Drinking enough water is crucial, especially during hot summer days. If you’re someone who frequently forgets to drink enough water, try carrying a water bottle with you and set reminders to drink regularly. An electrolyte drink can also help with hydration, especially if you’re sweating a lot or spending more time in the sun.

  • Seasonal Eating: Consider visiting a farmers market or potentially even starting your own small garden to incorporate fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables into your diet. Summer produce like greens, berries, watermelon, cucumbers, and tomatoes are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients that will help you feel your best. Need help learning more about nutrition? Click here to learn more about working with me as your nutrition coach!

5. Make Use of Technology

  • Use Fitness Apps or Virtual Workouts: If you’re traveling or prefer working out at home, there are many options for having a fitness program or virtual trainer available to you. Starting an online program or setting an appointment with a virtual trainer is a great way to keep you accountable and motivated to complete your workouts. If you’re interested in starting a new program check out my online programs here or click here to ask about virtual training sessions.

6. Stay Accountable

  • Workout Buddy: Find a workout partner to keep you motivated and accountable. Having someone to exercise with can make workouts more enjoyable and push you to stay committed.

  • Hire a Coach: Remember you don’t have to do it alone, coaches are here to help! Having the support, accountability and encouragement from a coach can help you stay motivated and consistent. Consider signing up for personal training sessions, getting a custom program, or subscribing to a membership.

7. Prepare for Challenges

  • Plan Ahead: Anticipate obstacles such as travel, parties, and warm summer temps and have a plan to overcome them. This could include finding local gyms while traveling, opting for healthier food choices at social events, or modifying your workout times to avoid extreme heat.

  • Stay Positive: Summer can be unpredictable, and it’s important to stay positive and flexible. If you miss a workout or indulge a bit more than planned, don’t be hard on yourself. Focus on returning to your usual routine rather than dwelling on slip-ups.

By implementing some of these strategies, you can maintain consistency with your workouts and healthy habits throughout the summer, ensuring that you stay on track with your fitness goals while still enjoying the season. Remember, the key is to find a balance that works for you and allows you to enjoy all that summer has to offer while prioritizing your health and well-being.