Feeling Stuck? Tips for How to Lift More and Grow Stronger!


We've all been there – you're hitting the gym and showing up consistently,, but no matter what you do, you just can't seem to lift beyond a certain weight. Feeling stuck can be discouraging, but it's a common experience for lifters of all levels. The good news is, there are strategies to help you break through this barrier and start making gains again. Here are some tips to get you lifting heavier and feeling stronger.

Tip1: Add More Reps

Think of this as mastering the weight that you are currently at. For example, the next time you’re in the gym, use the same weight you’ve been lifting and if you usually perform 8 reps, try to see if you can add an extra rep or two. Over the next couple of weeks, work on being able to lift that weight for 10-12 reps. Stay consistent and keep working on mastering this weight and the strength gains will happen.

Tip 2: Add More Weight

Adding additional weight and reducing the number of repetitions you complete can be a great solution, especially if you’re someone that typically does 10-12 reps. Try increasing the weight and work on performing sets of 5-8 repetitions. Remember most gyms have plates 2.5lb plates and many gyms have even smaller plates. Even a small increase can make a big difference! If you’re using dumbbells, fractional weight plates (like these or these) can be used to add a 1-3lbs to each dumbbell. These are a great option when a 5lb jump feels like too much and they are a great option to keep in your house if you’re someone who prefers to workout at home!

Tip 3: Increase Your Volume

If an exercise feels really challenging for you, you probably need to be doing it more than once a week. This means you need to be working on the same muscle group in different ways throughout the week. For instance, if you're stuck on the bench press, work on your triceps, shoulders, and chest with exercises like dumbbell chest presses, tricep dips, shoulder presses, and chest flies. Strengthening these supporting muscles can improve your overall performance and help you break through your plateau.

Tip 4: Improve Your Recovery (nutrition and sleep)

You can only work as hard ad you can recover. If your body is running on fumes, you're not going to be able to perform your best. Make sure you are eating enough protein, aiming for 3-5 servings of fruit and veggies per day, eating enough carbohydrates, and striving for 6-9hrs of sleep. If you want to learn more about nutrition and how to best support your goals, I’m here to help! Click here to learn about my nutrition coaching services.

Tip 5: Follow a Program

There’s a big difference between working out and training. Both are great! But they have different intentions. Just showing up to the gym and doing any workout can be enjoyable and enough. BUT, if you’re stuck or have a specific goal in mind then you need to be training. Training is when you’re following a specific plan or program that is working towards a specific goal. Following a plan will help you stay consistent and keep you progressing. If you’re feeling stuck and want help following a plan, I offer a variety options from 1:1 custom programs and coaching calls to subscription memberships. Click here to learn more about how you can start working with me.

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