My Favorite Running Warm Up


Ok my running friends…this one is for you! Lets face it, it’s very tempting to just lace up those sneakers and head out the door (or to your treadmill) and start running. Countless times I’ve heard runner’s say “I’ll just run my first mile slowly to warm up.” Here is the deal…running slowly does not count as warmup for running.

Your muscles and joints need activation and mobility to be prepared to handle the heavy demands of running, after all, running is a single leg dynamic exercise. This is a quick warm up I use before a run to activate the muscles in the legs/glutes and core while also addressing mobilizing the upper back, hamstrings and hips. Not only will this warm up prepare your body to start running, it can also help prevent injury and will hopefully result in a faster/better run. Watch video here.

Trainer Tips:

  • Start in a neutral position with feet together.

  • Step one leg backwards and carefully lower the knee to the floor. Make sure your knees stay in line with your middle toes.

  • Twist towards your front leg and extend your arms long.

  • Return back to face forwards, drive through your front leg to return to standing.

  • Perform a single leg deadlift on the same side. (The foot that originally stepped behind you should now be going up.) Start by engaging your core, sit back into your hips as you extend your leg off the ground behind you.

  • Keep a neutral back, not letting it overly arch or round.

  • Return to stand and repeat on the other side.

Perform 10 reps on each side before your next run and see if your run improves!

Happy running!



At Home Workouts: Tip 1