10 Days of Mindfulness Challenge

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I’m not going to lie...when I first saw the initial posts on 10 days of Christmas workouts circling on social media I was intrigued. It sounded catchy. If you follow me or train with me you probably already know that I’m not really into following trends, quick fixes, or catchy things. The more I thought about this “trend”, the more I realized that this is actually the exact opposite of my core values around fitness and wellness. Is another challenge workout something that people really need right now? I can tell you that not a single person has asked me for one. I’m not into group “challenges” or anything else that adds pressure, guilt, or shame to people’s lives especially during a time that can can be overwhelming for many.

So I want to leave you with this: before you start a “10 days of Christmas workout challenge” to “keep you on track” through the end of the year what if you practice 10 days of mindfulness?

What if each day you took a few minute to find 1 thing that was just for you that made you feel good? Can you start your day with a setting an intention for yourself that is not pressure, guilt, or shame oriented and is an intention that is simply for yourself. This intention could be written down in a journal (I find this to work best when it is written down) or simply said to yourself.

Being mindful is not as easy as it sounds and will look different for each person and probably each day. Taking just a few minutes to tune into what your body and mind needs today can help to ease stress and increase happiness. Below are just a few examples of what being mindful could look like for you:

  • Choosing to nourish your body will foods that make you feel good.

  • Taking time to cook your favorite meal.

  • Completing a workout.

  • Going for a walk.

  • Meditation.

  • Journaling.

  • Reading a few pages of a book.

  • Taking a social media break.

  • Doing an activity together as a family.

So my “challenge” for you over the next 10 days is this: take a few minutes when you wake up (or during a part of your day) to think about one way that you can practice mindfulness for yourself today? I challenge you to start today and see if you can continue through the end of the year…or maybe even longer!

If you found this helpful please comment below and share with a family member or friend!


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