Brenna Buscher

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How to Run Faster: Sprinting, Interval Training, and Strength

Are you guilty of wanting to run faster but find yourself stuck in the same pace? Do you keep running the same distances over and over hoping to PR on each run? I can relate, I use to be this person too. Let’s face it, its much easier to simply lace up your sneakers, after doing your warm-up of course ;-), and just head out the door to run a distance. If you were not a track athlete, going to a local track to do interval training, sprints, and power work can seem very intimidating and can be easy to overlook. This article is designed to help you understand how and why you may want to add in sprint workouts, discuss sprinting mechanics, and demonstrate strength exercises to accompany your speed work.

Today I have a special guest to help you learn how you become even faster. Meet my friend and colleague, Dan Brown, who has helped me with my own speed and power development. Dan is a personal trainer and athletic performance coach with experience coaching beginners all the way to collegiate level athletes. His personal mission is to help general population and athletes alike achieve their health, fitness and performance goals. We came together have broken down sprinting mechanics and strength drills that you can incorporate into your own workouts to help you become the fastest version of you.

Let’s Break it Down: The Power of Sprints

Below we have broken down sprinting into three different components: how and why we should sprint, sprinting leg mechanics, and arm mechanics. Please watch the videos below and then go to the strength section of the article to learn additional exercises and drills you can do to help improve your sprinting form and prepare your body to handle the forces of sprinting.

  1. How To Run Faster: Increasing Speed Through Sprints

2. How To Run Faster: Leg Mechanics

3. How To Run Faster: Arm Mechanics

Let’s Break it Down: Strength Training Exercises and Drills to Run Faster

So now we know what to do on the track but how we do prepare our body to be strong enough to sprint and improve our power output? Below I have put together a selection of strength training exercises and drills to help strengthen and prepare your body to handle the high demands of sprinting.

  1. Wall Sprint Drill

2. Kettlebell Swing

3. Reverse Lunge with Knee Drive

4. Single Leg Balance Pass

If you try any of these drills and exercises tag us on instagram and you may be featured in our stories! To follow Dan Brown on instagram click here . To follow me on instagram click here. Happy Sprinting!

Disclaimer: This program is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness or injury. If you choose to try any of the exercises presented in this program you do so at your own risk. Please consult your physician before beginning any new exercise program. Not every exercise is safe for every person. Correct execution of all exercises is critical to prevent injury. Please consult your healthcare professional if you have questions about an exercise execution or if an exercise is right for you. You are responsible for yourself and will not hold Brenna Buscher or any guest presenter liable for any illness or injury.