Brenna Buscher

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Exercises For a Stronger Core

Now there isn’t anything wrong with doing a plank or sit-up, but after awhile they get pretty boring. If you’ve been holding planks for endless seconds (or even minutes) or doing a million sit-ups, I’d say it’s time for you to switch up your core exercises.

Below you will find a selection of my favorite challenging core exercises. Besides the benefit of an increased challenge, these exercises can help you body move better, feel better and improve you strength. These exercises fairly advanced and are a few of my favorites because they connect the entire body, challenge your stability, involve various planes of motion, and are fun!

Split Squat Iso Hold + Band Resisted Chop

Trainer Tips:

  • The leg farthest away from the anchor point of the band will be in front.

  • Try to keep you rib cage down and your pelvis tucked under throughout the exercise.

  • Your hips should stay relatively square.

  • When you “chop” think across and down.

  • Keep arms relatively straight and exhale as you “chop”.

  • Try performing 10-12 reps on each side and 2-3 sets.

Single Leg Glute Bridge with Perturbations

Trainer Tips:

  • The leg closest to the anchor point of the band will stay on the floor and the leg farthest away will lift.

  • Keep you rib cage down and your pelvis tucked under.

  • Drive through your leg to lift your hips off the ground and hold them lifted throughout the duration of the exercise.

  • As you move your arms, keep your rib cage down, hips square, and arms as straight as possible.

  • Try performing this exercise for :30-:45 seconds on each side and 2-3 sets.

Mixed Weight High Low Farmers Carry

Trainer Tips:

  • Use two different weights that feel challenging but allow you to maintain great form through the exercise.

  • Hold the lighter of the two weights in the racked (high) position and the heavier weight in the low position.

  • As you walk try to keep your shoulders square, hips square, and ribs down.

  • Walk slowly and with control.

  • Make sure to do both sides.

  • Try performing this exercise for :30-:60 seconds on each side and 2-3 sets.

Kneeling Foam Roller Walk Out

Trainer Tips:

  • You may want to place a towel, yoga mat, or pillow underneath your knees for extra cushion.

  • As you walk your hands out try to keep your rib cage down and pelvis tucked under.

  • When you get to your furthest position, hold it for a full inhale and exhale.

  • Only walk your hands out as far as you can control.

  • Try performing 5-8 reps and 2-3 sets.

Suspension Trainer Copenhagen Plank

Trainer Tips:

  • Set your body in a straight line, don’t allow your hips to stick out. Engage your leg muscles and squeeze your glutes.

  • Push the floor away with your ground arm to pack your shoulder. This will prevent you from sinking your body into the shoulder.

  • Breath as you hold your plank.

  • To make this exercise slightly easier you can place the foot on the wall.

  • For more side plank tips check out my video here.

  • Try performing this exercise for :20-:30 seconds on each side and 2-3 sets.

Reverse Lunge + Band Rotation with Push

Trainer Tips:

  • The leg farthest away from the band will be the leg that steps back to the reverse lunge.

  • As you perform the lunge, rotate your hands towards the anchor point of the band.

  • To stand, drive off your front leg, rotate and push away from the band.

  • Exhale as you push.

  • Try performing 10-12 reps on each side and 2-3 sets.

Some of these exercises are fairly advanced and it may take some practice to be able to execute them correctly. I do not recommend doing all of these movements in one workout, as that may lead to fatigue and a decrease in the quality of form. Instead try choosing 1-2 to add into your weekly workout routine. If you try any of these exercises let me know how they went by commenting below!

© 2020 Property of Brenna Buscher (Train with Brenna B.). This program is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness or injury. If you choose to try any of the exercises presented in this program you do so at your own risk. Please consult your physician before beginning any new exercise program. Not every exercise is safe for every person. Correct execution of all exercises is critical to prevent injury. Please consult your healthcare professional if you have questions about an exercise execution or if an exercise is right for you. By participating in this program you agree that you are responsible for yourself and will not hold Brenna Buscher liable for any illness or injury (whether participating at home, in a health club, or anywhere else).